Emmanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church


Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of my pastures!

-Jeremiah 23:1


Combined Service - August 4th @ 10am

VBS program during service

Meeting for Christmas Extravaganza

April 4th Following 10am Combined Service

Vacation Bible School

July 29 - August 3

Vacation Bible School Needs

Volunteers to assemble decorations on 7/10 at 4pm as well as the 13th at 10am.

Please check the bulletin board weekly for the updated list of donation needed.

Anyone handy with assembling set pieces is direly needed to help us.

Need Station assistant & group leaders

Registration form on FB page & front desk.

Voting Delegate Spot

Still available for the NALC's online national convocation on Friday, August 9th from 6-9 pm; See Pastor Ben if interested in representing Emmanuel Lutheran.

Confirmation Class

Registration (deadline 8/4) - See Pastor Ben

First Communion Class

(2nd Grade and above) Registration ends 8/4 - See Pastor Ben

Food Pantry

This Week's NEEDS

Volunteer Opportunities

Tuesday Mornings for bread pick up at Geresbeck's and drop off here at the church.

Painting small figurines for the Train Garden

If interested, see Pastor Ben

Audio Technician for 8:30 am Service

Needs help with volume controls on sound system during service.

Ushers Needed for 11 am Service

Altar Guild needs Volunteers

This Week at Emmanuel